Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Lots of fun at our house

Logan has decided he'd rather go around without a diaper or anything else on his backside. Katie informed me of this by saying, "Mommy, Logie pooped!" Thankfully, it was just her way of letting me know he was naked! That could have been very messy.

Ryan acted like he wanted some of my banana this morning so I bit off a very very small piece for him to try. He has this aversion to certain textures going on and of course the teeny tiny piece of banana set him off. Thankfully, he didn't yak his entire bottle back up on me just a fraction of it. You would think by now his aversion to chunky food (even if the chunks are really small) would have gone away but it hasn't, which is why he is going to occupational therapy. We're hoping this will get him on the road to being a better eater as he only likes baby 2nd Stage foods that are smooth (and only bananas with apples or pears mixed with it).

Katie and Logan are being potty trained (Katie more than Logan). Katie is so excited to wear the pull up pants and Logan just likes to sit on the big boy potty. He doesn't want to do anything while on there but he sure likes to sit. Katie loves getting rewarded for going potty by getting a cookie. If I could just get Logan to go once, I might see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have a book on potty training autistic children but so far..... I have talked with another parent of an autistic boy, who said her son didn't get potty trained until he was 7. She said to watch out for certain things and when I see that I can really potty train him with great results. I'm going to keep having him go sit when Katie does and maybe I will get lucky!

We're hoping to get to Sea World this Sunday so if I'm able to get some pictures taken I will do so and post them. I thought I had some from the last visit but the pictures are MIA.

See how exciting it is at our house???

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