Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Katie et.al.

Katie - "Mommy, Katie poopied!" this was after I checked her diaper and everything was fine. Five minutes later.... Not sure why she is referring to herself in the third person but...

Ryan - "Hi Boogie!" his way of saying "Hi Mickey Mouse" He also loves the Aflac duck and will say his version of Aflac - "AAWAA" and laughs a great big belly laugh.

Logan - "GIRAAAAFFFE!" - this was after he insisted the giraffe was really Simba the baby lion from Lion King. After about the 100th time of correcting him, he got mad and screamed giraffe at me. I can't get him to say it again but at least he did it that one time.

Marie - "Mommy, my tooth just fell out! Can I take it to school to show my friends?" Sure you can, they've never seen a tooth before. No I didn't say all of that to her - just told her she could take it and yes they would be happy for her that she lost her 7th tooth.

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