Ok - the at home evaluation is done and I did learn some things so I thought I would share with all of you. We will not get a definite diagnosis on Ryan until after he turns 30 months. The particular test that they would need to administer to him will be too advanced for him before that time. The most we can hope (or dread depending on how you look at it) is to hear that "he has autistic tendencies" or something to that effect. She mentioned Katie's articulation but said that when Ryan gets his speech therapist to visit she will have her check Katie out as well.
Ryan was so tired out after the evaluation (and it helpted that it was nap time) that he lay down on the playroom floor and fell asleep with Logan's blanket. He's getting so much better dealing with new people. He was a little shy with Robin but didn't cry and didn't crawl away from her. He kept peeking at her, chewing on the blanket then he'd stop and look up at her. Too cute!
Robin is really great - she answered all my questions and said that there are different areas of diagnosis on the autism spectrum (which, we already knew but it was nice to be reminded). Ryan isn't like Logan in certain areas but some areas he is very similar. There are some instances where they children are "caught" at a young enough age where the therapy helps them enough where they don't have to have that 30 month evaluation. The original concerns have been almost completely wiped out by the therapy received. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Early Intervention is currently having their therapists work at home with the young children. They believe that it is better for the children and the parents. The therapists can use any toys that the children play with and the parents can observe and even work with the children themselves in addition to the therapy. We will have to have Ryan stop seeing the therapists at the hospital but that gives us the extra money to have Logan get more speech and occupational therapy. It's going to be a good move for everyone.